Double Simcoe is packed with body for such a bitter, hoppy ale. The consistency is a tad oily, which lends a sinuousness to the fanciful uber-hopping that can leave some IPA's in the playground thinking that hops are enough to make a great brew.
Weyerbacher's stable of big beers shows the average brewer that size matters as long as there is artistry to go along with it. And no catalogue is complete without a killer IPA. Double Simcoe is a serious brew with tons of hops. Is there a touch of sweetness? Maybe a little, right in the middle of the swig. Starts smooth, then sweet, then dry, then bitter. But remember to start with a huge whiff of the fragrant hops, double-plus-good. Not for beginners--the hops may scare them off. And at 9% abv, maybe Double Simcoe is best left to professionals.
Weyerbacher Double Simcoe IPA:
Representation: 1.0
Accessibility: .85
Style: 1.0
Personal Preference: .95
Total: 3.8
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