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Monday, July 18, 2011

Greetings from Santa Rosa!  While on the Presidential honeymoon, I got to visit the Russian River brewpub.  A knowledgeable beer dude named Andy has volunteered some review services to the Nation.  Andy is not only a beer drinking gourmand, but also a practiced homebrewer.  Let's see what Andy has to say about Jack D'or:

jack d'or
batch 26 (bottled may 2011)

belgian sniffer.

Appearance: Clear golden, light haze. Excellent thick white head. (The photo is deceiving as it was taken at the end of the bottle, so sediment hazed it up)

Smell: Yeast giving way to citrus and pepper.

Taste: Starts with a crisp hop bitterness with some peppery spiciness,  on to fruit from the hops playing with the belgian yeast esters. Finishes citrusy with more hop bite. A times a touch of grain comes through in the finish, but rarely. The whole sip gains complexity as the beer warms up.

Mouth: A perfect amount of medium carbonation to play with the hop bitterness.

Overall: Incredibly drinkable, dry, refreshing. I was expecting more belgian flavors to come out, which left me a bit disappointed. However, this is still a great beer! Truly, an "american saison."



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