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Monday, December 19, 2011

Bahoukas Antique Mall

Aaaaaarrrrggghhh... This handsome fella greets visitors to the Bahoukas Antique Mall in Havre de Grace, MD.  After swashing buckles all day (or is it buckling swashes?), I suppose he might treat himself to a cup o' grog at the local tavern.  Looting and plundering seems to have been good to him, judging by the treasure trove of beer memorabilia up in the attic.  The BrewMania MuZeum's wall advertisement on Rte 40 caught my wife Rachel's attention on the way home from Thanksgiving in Silver Spring.  She indulged my need to stop in and check out the stuff, and we were both impressed by the sheer volume.  Owners Barbara and George Wagner were incredibly friendly and accommodating, allowing us to browse and take tons of pictures.  They even let our pup Molly inside (thank goodness she didn't pee anywhere!) while we strolled around.  You can find them on the web at www.bahoukas.com and also on Facebook!

Not only does Bahoukas have lots of cool beer memorabilia, but it is a really great antique store in its own right.  The downstairs portion contains tons of books, toys, tools, jewelry, and pretty much anything you can think of.  There is no way to photograph every article, but here is a quick look around at the downstairs:

But of course, you know why I really stopped into Bahoukas Antique Mall... The beer stuff!  Again, it's hard to get every item, but the following slideshow should give you good enough reason to stop by.  There's a ton of stuff from Anheuser-Busch, Rolling Rock, Coors, Genny... these may seem like boring macros to most Ferment Nation readers, but remember that they were the craft beers of their days.  Marketing their products relied heavily on giving crap away to bars and customers, so you'll notice entire displays of certain breweries.  But these collections come from far and wide, so Cheers to George and Barbara for digging up some of the rarities on display.  Check them out:

And so there you have it.  El Presidente's trip to Bahoukas Antique Mall.  Please check them out, won't you? Havre de Grace is a cool little town, and if you get a chance to visit Barbara and George, please do it.  They are super nice and have a rockin' store.  But don't try shoplifting anything... That pirate has his eye on you.

Get it?  Eye on you!  'Cuz he only has one eye.  You know, the patch.  He's a pirate.  With a patch...

One eye.

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