Boy oh boy was that a success!! Pour-a-Palooza 2010 was even bigger and went even smoother than last year (and it was just as hot, by the way). The Pour-a-Palooza staff couldn't have been more excited about the festival nor more dedicated to its successful execution. Everyone at the Pour House was generous and accomodating to myself and the VP as well. Bob, Jake, Remo, Mike, and Kate were great to work with and we look forward to Pour-a-Palooza 2011!!!
With more shaded space for brewers and drinkers alike, the vibe was very cool: the crowd was fired up but not insane and the interest in the different styles seemed to be elevated this year. This festival is for folks who want to try lots of different styles and review them with their friends. Conversationally, at least, the talk among beer geeks seemed more engaged and informed than last year. I can tell you that the responses and review cards we received were much more detailed and inspired than ever before. You, the citizens of this great Nation are starting to rise up and make your voices heard!! Keep it going.
Please enjoy the pictures we took on Saturday and feel free to email us your own. Weigh in on the beers as well, whether you had it outside at the festival or inside at the bar. Some noteable brews from my point of view:
Weyerbacher Insanity is always a show-stopper. The Idiot has finally lost it.
Terrapin Boom Shakalager is a little scary. It weasels its way into barleywine territory, lowering the boom at 9%.
Yards Philly Pale Ale and Flying Fish Farmhouse Summer are all-day good.
Stoudts Maibock rocks. Elixir for any season.
Unibroue Eau Benite triple (7.7%) was a rare treat from Bernard's private stash. Not even produced anymore. Cool, huh?
Founders KBS is simply ridiculous. Bourbony and bitter and delish.
Avery Samaels kills you softly. Makes you feel one with the earth... and may put you six feet under it (16.45%).
Founders Devil Dancer is aptly named. Hops out the wazoo.
We the Pounding Fathers of the Ferment Nation have tried to provide a steady voice for beer reviews throughout the past two and a half years. You keep coming back to our site because our reviews make sense to you and you've come to trust our judgment... But Ferment Nation loves to dedicate time and space on our site for the people's reviews. Email us and let us know what you think of a brew, a venue, or an event. Send pictures. Keep everything family-friendly and we'll publish it. There is just about enough input from you, the people to devote a separate space on our page to Citizen Reviews. When more people review, knowledge is spread for the greater good. Thanks Again for joining us at Pour-a-Palooza 2010. If you weren't there, check out what you missed and be sure to mark your 2011 calendar in pen when the next date is announced. Feel free to glance at for details as we receive them. Thank you and Grog Bless our great Nation.

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