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Monday, October 24, 2011

San Luis

This Mexican-style lager has a light aroma, if any. The color is just as light, yellow but not golden.  Looks refreshing, which might just work with the chicken and potatoes I have lined up for dinner.

I'm not exactly sure what to make of this beer. It's pretty good, but not great. I can't really make out the malts or the hops, and overall it seems to lack a little character. The lightness doesn't carry with it a dryness that would clean up the finish.

I'm pretty sure that this brew made its way to New Jersey by way of Boulder, CO at the #BBC10 Beer Bloggers Conference last year.  I confess my sins... Sometimes I hang onto beers way too long, especially the larger format beers that I figure I'll be sharing with someone.  A Mexican-style lager probably isn't the best choice for aging, so I sincerely believe that a brand spanking new bottle or draft of San Luis Valley Valle Especial is probably way more deliciouser than the one I dug up out of my beer fridge in the basement.  Everyone has a beer fridge, right?  Well perhaps I should have enjoyed this beer earlier.  Then I would have enjoyed it more.  So check the date.  If it's fresh, I would suggest buying one if you enjoy a light lager.  Overall, though, with plenty of those to choose from, I'm not in a terrible rush to try the San Luis Valley Valle Especial again.  Not a bad beer by any stretch, just not in my wheelhouse.

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