Speaking of Chubby, the Secretary of Zymurgy has been brewing his own beer for quite awhile now. They have been getting better and better, and his batch of porter which had its unveiling on Big Monday was a true success. Without a doubt, his best effort to date. Just a little bit dry, with a malty flavor and wonderful body.
Also on the docket for Big Monday was: Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron, Dogfish Head Burton Baton Imperial IPA, Stoudt's Old Abominable Barleywine, and one of the biggest beers I've ever had, Weyerbacher Blasphemy. What better way to wash down a Big Montana? There is no better way. We have several other made-up holidays, and I will be sure to keep you informed of the ritual libations. Keep your eyes open for Chimay Day, coming soon.
There are reviews on the way to enlighten y'all about the happenings of Big Monday. Let me know what you think.
Please do keep us informed about Chimay Day. Chimay is one of Maura and my favorite Belgians. Thinking about the Triple is making me Crazy. Love the blog, O. Keep up the great work.
Chimay Day creeps up on you, my friend. It's usually random but you're on the short list to get a preview. Say hey to Maura and Declan!
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