Brewed "for enjoyment between the December solstice and the March Equinox", Belgian Freeze possesses a smooth malty body with just a touch of warmth. Perhaps it could use just a little more... ever so little...
The balancing act of this Belgian-style winter ale is pretty impressive. It's kind of like a Belgian white ale, only brown. Caramel malts (and possibly candi sugar) add body and a fair amount of flavor. Belgian Freeze is a tasty treat -- sweet but not overly so, and lots of body. Yeasty but tame.
What's missing? Just a hint more malt and booze would be nice to complete this well-rounded brew. Also, just a few extra spicy notes and maybe some bitterness (cocoa, maybe?) would help. Other than that, this winter ale is really holding a spot in my snow-day lineup. I'm not sure I can recall a beer that straddles the line between Belgian white and German bock like this one. Pretty snazzy, and another groovy River Horse offering.
Like other winter beers: Malty, made for warming up by a fire.
Unlike other winter beers: Belgian-style and a bit sweet with a heavy, yeasty base.
Check out other "winter warmer" brews already reviewed like: Gritty's Christmas, Rogue Santa's Private Reserve, Sierra Nevada Celebration.
Keep your eyes open for other "winter warmers" like: Sam Smith's Winter Welcome, Flying Dog K-9 Cruiser, and Great Divide Hibernation.
River Horse Belgian Freeze Winter Ale:
Representation: .925
Accessibility: .95
Style: .97
Personal Preference: .97
Total Score: 3.815 Flags
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